Monday, January 30, 2012

Biting Chihuahua?

I have a 2 year old chihuahua that is lovely and loyal to my family of 4 and my sisters family but does not like any one else. It takes her about 2 hours to get used to my daughters friends then she is lovely to them but any one older not at all. I have just brought her a muzzle which she hates but I need to put on her when we have guests around. Before this I took her away from the situation but Im at a stage where I want her to be a part of our family friends and I want to take her to the park for a BBQ. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make her behave and please I dont want to hear from anyone who hate chihuahuas as this will not help my situation at all. I believe every creature has a place in this world no matter how big or small and we are very fond of our girl lily. Im desperate so any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have tried food rewards, raising my voice, water, loud noises. I believe she is trainable.HELP im desperate

Biting Chihuahua?
I'm afraid solid obedience training is your only way out. Small dogs often get away with a lot of behavior that would never cut it for a large dog because small dogs are much less "scary" when they act aggressively.

Also due to the way small dogs are carried and doted on they tend to develop a bit of a "I own these humans" type complex and act as if they are your owners instead of the other way around.

I highly recommend obedience this won't solve your BBQ desire real soon, but will get you ready soon enough if you stick to it.

Obedience training will give you a dog that will respond reliably to things like:






If you could tell your dog to do these things NOW and she would do them you'd have no problems. A dog sitting and staying in one place can NOT lunge and bite a person who is not near it. Plus the respect you would get from your dog is huge if it obeyed you.
Reply:try this. have a spritz bottle filled with plain water on you and every time goes to bite or you see him becoming aggressive at all spritz him right away on his face and say "NO" in a firm voice. when he starts to get the hang of it and lets someone come near him without becoming aggressive then you can give him a small treat each time he does it right. but you cant give up, you have to repremend him EVERY time he is aggressive, dont let him get away with it.
Reply:The problem with little dogs is that people see them as being cute, not realizing they have the same personalities as large dogs. You have to do what you would do to a rottweiler that bit your friends. You have to discipline the dog every time it bites or becomes aggressive. A dog training class is good. Also check out
Reply:Unfortunately she might not be able to be trained out of biting. I can't really suggest anything because I don't know the circumstances of why she has bit people. For some dogs biting is a temperament or health issue, for others it could be a fear, environmental, or a host of other things.
Reply:Check out Cesar Millan (The Dog Whisperer) website and videos that I included!

In Cesar's video, click on "Season One" then on "Meet Nunu the Demon Chihuahaua".
Reply:Have you tried letting your guest give her treats. That can sometimes help. If she won't let them get close enough to her have them throw the treats in front of her. It helped with my aggressive dog. Just make sure she really likes what your giving her. Good luck.
Reply:since you have tried all options and they failed you why not try God. He can help you am very sure of that try Him you will see how he will do it without ur help. just close ur eyes and tell him that u need his help ok. am very sure he will help you.ok
Reply:Go to puppy training classes it is never too late...don't just take a class or 2 you have to be commited to do all levels of the training.....
Reply:Contact a local behaviorist and work with them!
Reply:Bitter apple spray works wonders! It's found in any pet store.
Reply:get a shock collar.
Reply:she is biting because she is scared and nervous around strangers. my border collie is the same way, some people she will tolerate but others she growls and goes right up to them in quite an aggressive way so i have a muzzle close by that she hates also i have used it on her and nnow when she acts up i just show it to her and scold her and she will go lay in her pen until she settles down. tell the people who come over not to make a fuss of her and just ignore her until she gets their scent and willingly goes to them. use ur muzzle to calm her down and scold her and hold her snout when she wants to bite..dogs get pretty upset if they think they or their owners will get hurt and biting is their way of retailating. keep working with her and keep the muzzle close by. good luck

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