Friday, January 27, 2012

Should I find her a new home?

We have 2 cats, Jade (2 years) and Lily (9 months). Jade is, in most ways, perfect - except she's not very loving most times (only when she wants to be). Lily on the other hand tends to want attention all the time. However...Lily gets into EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything). She'll get on top of the (now empty) fishtank, she'll move the phone off the hook (the one on a desk) just to hear the beeping sound because it intrigues her, she'll climb on anything and everything, and just when I think I've gotten EVERYTHING she can get into out of her reach, she finds something more. A water bottle doesn't work - she doesn't pay attention to it. Same with loud sounds (can full of coins for example). Repeated firm NO's have no effect, except that when we yell at her and she sees us coming she'll get out of whatever she's in - but it has no lasting effect if we're not here. I'm running out of patience with her and she's driving me crazy! I've tried every trick I can think of. (More)

Should I find her a new home?
I understand your situation completely!! I have three cats 15, 3 and 1. The 3 year old, Marina is just like Lily, even still. Tosca, the baby, is also very active but not annoying like Marina.

I think you need to wait a while longer for lily to calm down. Right now it feels like it will never happen but it will. By 18 months or so, she should be much more calm. I can't guarantee she won't still do the annoying things. I've compromised and Marina is allowed on the stove and counters as long as I'm not looking. (Yes, I too find that a bit disgusting but I've tried EVERYTHING to make her stop with no success.) I wash the stove and counters before and after cooking and make sure the burners on the stove are covered with something as long as they are hot. And, of course, I keep her out of the food. You may have to find ways in which you can compromise with your kitty.

For the trash and chips, you can get child proof locks for the cabinets. This should hold her for a little while. For the phone on the desk, can you unplug the handset cord from the base when it is not in use? Then she will learn that the phone no longer has that funny sound and may stop. You'll be able to hear the other phone ring in the other room and can plug in the office phone just long enough to use it. She will eventually get the idea that the office phone is no longer fun.

If she is driving you especially crazy one day and you know you can't take it much longer, take her to the vet and have them board her overnight. That will 1) give you a break from her antics and 2) let you see how your house will be without her in it. I think you will find putting up with her is easier than knowing someone else is taking care of her.

Good luck to you.
Reply:She is just young. If you have her spayed, her "rambuntiousness" will slow down a bit.

Use a spray bottle of water and give her a squirt when you see her doing bad things. They seem to learn quick with this. You don't have to spray her in the face or

Try at night time, or when you are out, secluding her to one room. With food and water and litter. This will keep her out of things when you can't be there.

Like I said, she is still just a kitten, all the behaviours you have described are normal, however, if you do not deel with them now, you will have a problem on your hands in the near future.

The spray bottle has been effective with everyone I know who has cats.

Good luck.

Don't give her away, it'll get easier and you'll be glad you kept her.
Reply:sounds likea typical kitten and a really smart one at that...

if you live in Hollywood she could be on TV - especially they would love the fact that she can "answer" the phone..

however I know pesky crazy kittens are not much fun

the problem might even be food related.. does your food contain color dyes?? color dyes make some cats more hyper.. if your food has lots of muti colored peices it contains dye..

some of the lower quality foods have other problem causing ingredients.. (any from grocery or Wal Mart are low quality foods)

its up to you if you decide to keep her or get rid of her.. just remember what ever home she gets.. how will they treat her???

have you tried some pet repellant sprays?? you cannot spray on top of the fish tank but you can spray other places, even along the bottom of the tank..

make sure you provide her with a cat friendly place..a good cat tower, or cat furniture and encourage her to use that by rubbing cat nip on it..

also provide an assortment of toys.. honeysuckle toys are GREAT!
Reply:keep her with the door closed in a room with a bunch of toys to play with and things to cimb on and lots of things to keep her busy. come in to play with her everyday and you will both be happy.
Reply:She's just a kitten, give her sometime. Get a spray bottle, fill with water, trust me, works like a charm!
Reply:Don't give up just yet.. Soooo many pet owners do that, which is why so many animals are in shelters, and get put to sleep.

She is still a kitten, she will keep getting into stuff for a little while, then she will mellow out.

try playing with her more too... my cat actually plays fetch with me, and it gets lots of her energy out.

don't give up yet, if you cared about her, you would not do that.
Reply:she is young and curious...

have you had her Spayed? I would just keep doing what you are doing and tell her NO and use a Water Bottle and keep squirting her until she acknowledges that you are spraying her

you could try putting her in time out....when she is doing Bad

a crate...

I am hoping that maybe in a few months she will calm down..

try some catnip toys... maybe a rolled up paper and smack it on whatever she is doing wrong ( not on her of course) like the phone and that will make her run away from it...
Reply:They'll learn!!!!
Reply:You can crate her when you need a break and she is out of control.

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