Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Is Harry Potter dark...or not? if u've seen this already, i accidently made it too long. im only 13?

this is not really a question but ill answer half of it and the other half is from my source. The article is by Jerry Bowyer. i was taught that it is satanic for years and a few weeks ago i found the truth. but my opinion is that jk rowling shows good from evil but too hard for children to understand the difference and makes them take it differently.

KKLA is the largest Christian talk radio station in America. He holds a dubious record there -- and's responsible for causing the largest number of complaint calls the station had ever gotten in a single day.

Harry is a lot of things. He's a little bit Prince Harry forced to grow into the great warrior Henry V. He's a lot more of the young Arthur, taken from his family at a young age, forced to live under the neglectful care of an inferior family, kept in the shadows of a bullying older adopted brother and unaware of his great origins. Eventually he is mentored by a great wizard (for young Wart, that's Merlin; for Harry, it's Dumbledore -- a member of the Order of Merlin). Both lead quests to find a cup. Both end up procuring a great sword out of a lake in order to proceed with the quest.

In Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, Harry confronts Voldemort (whose name means "will to death") by traveling down into a great cavern where he slays a serpent to win an (eventual) bride. He fatally wounds the serpent in the head. He's rescued by a bird who descends upon him and the bride, a kind of bird whose "tears have healing powers, and who are able to bear immense loads." The bird bears them up out of the cavern. "There, how's that?" The problem is that very few Christians seem to be aware of descendit ad infernum, the descent into hell. Don't the schools teach Dante? Don't the Churches teach the Apostle's Creed? Well, as a matter of fact, no, they generally do not. The Proto Evangelium, the first gospel in which God told Adam and Eve that He would send Someone who would rescue their descendents by crushing the head of the serpent doesn't seem to get a lot of play either. The most powerful spell in Harry's world is the Patronus, in which the wizard forcefully says "Expecto Patronum". That's Christian Latin for "I look for the Savior". Expecto is used in the Nicene Creed, and Patronum is used in the medieval Dies Irae as the Savior that we look for in the day of judgment. Harry uses the spell when ghastly evil spiritual beings called DEMENtors (caps mine) attack him and another innocent man near a lake. A stag (which just happens to function as a common Christ figure in medieval art) walks across the water dispelling the vile soul-destroying creatures. What's it take, a 2 by 4 across the forehead? This is Christian stuff!

Well, the 2 by 4 has arrived and it's called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. In it, Harry learns that the evil Voldemort has broken his soul into shards and used those shards to possess certain objects. These are called Horcruxes. One of them is a ring (Lord of the Rings fans should find this a little familiar) and as long as the object is not destroyed the 'Dark Lord' cannot be destroyed either. Well it turns out that one of those soul shards in imbedded in a scar in Harry's forehead and Harry comes to understand that the only way the evil can be destroyed is for Harry to willingly give up his life. In order to save his friends at Hogwarts School (which we learn in book 7 reminds Harry of a church) and particularly his friend Hagrid (whose name is suspiciously similar to Hagioi, which is Greek for Saints) he must allow himself to be killed by the dark lord. He makes a long walk through a wood in which he stumbles (Via Dolorosa, anyone?) all the while being encouraged by a vision of his deceased mother Lily.

This might be a good time to tell you that the Lily is often used as a symbol for Mary, the mother of Jesus, in medieval literature. There is a hymn about Jesus and Mary called The Lily and the Lamb. Harry goes 'as a sheep to the shearer' to Voldemort, where he is killed. There he meets his old mentor Dumbledore (old English for bumblebee, a medieval symbol for wisdom based on Psalm 119). While Dumbledore explains it all, the great white cloud in which Harry finds himself begins to take the shape of a familiar train station. The station's name is King's Cross, which is also the title of that particular chapter of the book. Harry is given the choice of going 'on' or going back to save his people. Harry goes back and finds that since he willingly gave his life for the people of Hogwarts, Voldemort's curses no longer bind them. Voldemort, then, is destroyed (by his own hand in an attempt to kill Harry again) and the various races and houses of Hogwarts celebrate in a great feast, in which they ignore the walls and divisions which had theretofore separated them. She'd been accused of atheism (she's an Anglican) and of being a witch (she knows nothing at all about the occult or Wicca).

Why no apologies to the lady? First, it's always tough to say you're sorry. But deeper than that, I think the problem is that so much of the religious right failed to see the Christianity in the Potter novels because it knows so little Christianity itself. However the gospel stories themselves, the various metaphors and figures of the Law and the Prophets, and their echoes down through the past two millennia of Christian literature and art are largely unknown to vast swaths of American Christendom, including its leaders.

Is Harry Potter dark...or not? if u've seen this already, i accidently made it too long. im only 13?
Well, I'm not going to rewrite my entire answer from the last time, but I will say that I am glad you posted this.

The similarities between The Chronicles of Narnia and the Harry Potter series are very interesting. (Each 7 books long, each parables with Christian overtones, each by Anglican Christian authors.)

Keep up the good work. Good luck in your journey.
Reply:Sweetie, Harry Potter is a fictional story written for entertainment.

Some religious nut jobs fear any person who is capable of independent thought.

What do you think? Forget what anyone else tells you, especially any pastor in a church, think for yourself!
Reply:Well, if you're really only 13, you sure are a very knowledgeable 13 yr old! My friends at bible study all say Harry Potter is evil because of the witchcraft, but my defence is, it's only fantasy - I mean I have never seen anybody fly around on a broom (for instance, haha). The first one was great, with all the fantasy and novel ideas, but the later ones did become dark and I would definitely not let a young child see them. Many children's stories have a good vs evil theme (look at Snow White). However, the fact that the good wins is the important one. As for your other info, it's all new to me and very interesting. What is your source?
Reply:Harry’s story is the typical good against evil. It’s even more a David and Goliath. It does not teach witchcraft, like I’ve heard fundies say. The movie has a lot of pagan imagery and as Christianity came from paganism I’m not surprised to hear it has a Christian theme as well. It’s a fantasy movie. Not a true story. The problem was condemning it in the first place.

I found the movies to be darker then the books. I think, Harry is 16 years old in the last movie, so I think 15 and over will pick up a lot more then a 13 year old would. I would not take a 10 year old to see it. Unless they like scary movies. That way I don’t think the darkness of it will be to dramatic to them.
Reply:the "Potter" series are witchcraft manuals pure and simple.

they teach witchcraft and all the other stuff. opening a pentagram is opening a portal to hell. demons are used to deliver spells. there is no such thing as a good witch. a spell

forces someone to do something they don't want to do. how

is that okay? what would you do if a curse was put on you?

curses destroy the witch and the cursed. to me that is very sad. witchcraft is not a game but a battle for souls.

just because they say something is of GOD doesn't make it

so. "potter" and ADONAI have nothing in common.
Reply:"God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life". - (Jn. 3:16)

"He that believes on me has everlasting life".- Jesus.. (Jn. 6:47)

"This is eternal life; that they may know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent:. -- Jesus (Jn. 17:3)
Reply:Why aren't you in school?

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