Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Help! How to care for Calla Lilies?

I just recently got some yellow Calla Lilies as a gift, and I have no idea how to care for them. How much water and sunlight do they need? Should I plant them or can I keep them as indoor plants? What about caring for them during the winter? Any help will be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance to anyone who shares some info with me. :D

Help! How to care for Calla Lilies?
Planting and Care: Plant callas outdoors in a location that gets bright, morning light. They appreciate some afternoon shade—especially in hot-summer areas. Callas grow best in a moist soil amended with organic matter. Set rhizomes 4 to 6 inches deep and 1 to 2 feet apart. They can be planted 6 to 12 inches apart when grown in pots. Fertilize monthly. Keep well watered and weeded.

Callas are frost-sensitive, but in USDA zones 8 and 9 they can be left in the ground if mulched with bark or straw before winter. In colder areas, lift the rhizomes after first frost, clean off excess soil, let dry out of the direct sun for a few days, then store in a dry location that remains between 50 and 60 degrees F. Plant in spring after the soil has warmed and all danger of frost has passed.

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