Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Female betta acting odd after being treated for fungus...?

My betta, Lily, has been acting weird since I've changed her water a few hours ago. The only thing I did differently than in the past when I've changed her water was add Splendid Betta "BettaFix Remedy" by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals...Its supposed to be an "all natural, antibacterial remedy" just for bettas to treat wounds, ulcers, fungus, and fin rot. It's also supposed to "promote re-growth of damaged fins," blah blah blah. It contains Melaleuca 0.2% / Inert Ingredients 99.8%. I used this along with what I normally use to condition her water, which is Splendid Betta "Complete Water Conditioner". Could these 2 possibly have some kind of bad reaction that could be causing her to be sick? She's swimming kind of on her side, darting around, and also hiding in her plants--things she never has done before.

Female betta acting odd after being treated for fungus...?
There are several possible causes for what you are seeing, but really I think you are completely correct when you mention a new product. I seriously doubt there would be an interaction between the two items, but the new one causes the water to be different, that's what it's intended to do. Is there something wrong with your fish you need to treat or were you thinking of using this to help prevent illness? If you have a sick fish with fungus I would suggest you use a stronger fungus medication to treat the problem. Many are available on the market and the one's from Mardel labs or API are good and very common.

EDIT: Yes, I would suggest you change more water to remove the remaining medication. If there was only one spot on the fish and it was in the right place for an egg spot, odds are good it was an egg spot. Fungus looks much, much "fuzzer" and larger than an egg spot.

Reply:A lot of people have reported similar reactions when using BettaFix or Melafix to treat bettas. Many hobbyists are beginning to think there may be a connection with anabantoids and Melaleuca oil though it hasn't been verified. It's pretty rare but I am familiar with several stories similar to your own with just the same symptoms.

BettaFix, which is much less concentrated then Melafix and usually safer, isn't really the cure all that AP claims. It IS quite good as an antiseptic and helps heal open wounds and soars but it's inferior as an antibiotic and antifungal treatment.

I suggest doing a serious of partial water changes over the next couple of days to dilute the Bettafix further.

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