Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Little black bugs...UCK!!?

I sat my Peace Lily in a pan to water, I do this with all of my plants. When I pulled it out I saw a load of tiny black bugs! I have never seen this with any of my other plants. What is going on and how do I get rid of them without getting rid of my plant. I love her.

Little black bugs...UCK!!?
I understand getting attached to your plant! I am :)

I've had this type of problem with White fly/scales and this worked:

I would carefully transplant her. Take off all of the old, infested soil and either sterilize the pot that she was in with bleach or get a new one. Carefully rinse her roots by gently dunking them in a sink of room-temperature water and rinse off her leaves, etc. Re-pot her in new soil, in the new pot (recommended, if you can afford it!). Place her in another area, away from where she was infested. Wash that area down with a water/soap/bleach mixture and let it totally dry.

In a day or so, once she's adjusted to the transplant, you can rinse her down again with a mild soapy solution. Keep her OUT of any direct sunlight- she'll be very fragile for a week or so!

If this doesn't work, I recommend getting Espoma Earth-tone insect control spray or Sevin. I hope that you don't have to go down that route- it's Bug-warfare! LOL!!

Best of luck!

Reply:Can you be a little more descriptive with these little black bugs? How little? Any other colors or stripes? Do they fly? I might me able to help out if you can describe them for me?
Reply:If the pot is full of the bugs, it may be too late. You're better off dumping it and getting another. Otherwise you may have a continuous bug flying around the house problem. If it isn't infested yet, you can spray it with a bug killer.
Reply:get a spray bottle and full it water and a few drops of dish soap, spray the leaves top and bottom it will not harm you plant . i have peace lilies and i have done this on one of them. the soapy water kill most bugs on plants without having to use chemicals.

you can spray the soapy water on the soil also. i just to do that with a small japanese maple outside because of small worms on it.

no one likes having to lose a plant.

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